We introduced Starter Reseller Hosting for the clients who wish to venture into the hosting business and start with smaller and cheaper hosting account. These plans are also suitable for companies having more than one domain. Using the Web Host Manager, you will be able to partition your space and resell it to your clients. You can access all cPanels by logging in to the Master cPanel. See a demo of Web Host Manager, by clicking here
You can instantly upgrade from one hosting plan to another any time from your client area. If your wish to buy a plan with more than 8 GB Disk Quota, the visit our Reseller Web Hosting.
- 2 GB Disk Space
- 20 GB Bandwidth
- 15 cPanel Accounts
- Unlimited sub-Domains
- Unlimited Emails
- Private Nameservers
- WHM & Master cPanel
- 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
- 4 GB Disk Space
- 40 GB Bandwidth
- 30 cPanel Accounts
- Unlimited sub-Domains
- Unlimited Emails
- Private Nameservers
- WHM & Master cPanel
- 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
- 8 GB Disk Space
- 80 GB Bandwidth
- 60 cPanel Accounts
- Unlimited sub-Domains
- Unlimited Emails
- Private Nameservers
- WHM & Master cPanel
- 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
All Plans Includes
We are here to help you
We offer Free File Transfers, Free Database Transfers and Free Email Transfers. We will also initiate and manage the transfer of your domain(s) to our system. Sign up for your preferred hosting plan above to begin the process